What is a “pledge”?
A pledge is a promise to donate a certain amount of money to the church within the fiscal Year. To live out our principles and live up to our Vision and Mission, we ask UUCC members and friends to pledge generously.
Why pledge, and how is my pledge used?
Pledge payments are our main source of revenue, funding the heart, body, and soul of our beloved community. This money is used for salaries for Ministerial Services and our Administrative Assistant, the operation and maintenance of our building, and the support of our Social Justice work, Religious Education, and all other church activities.
When members of UUCC pledge, the Board can establish a realistic operating budget for the coming Year.
Do I have to pledge to be a member of the church?
Yes, pledging is part of being a member of UUCC. We believe that financial support is one of the responsibilities of membership, and members are expected to make a pledge consistent with their individual circumstances. If your financial situation currently precludes you from making a pledge, please speak privately with the Minister or Treasurer.
Do I need to be a member to contribute?
Anyone can contribute to our church. Those who would like to support UUCC financially without formal membership are known as “friends” instead of “members.”
How much should I pledge?
Please see the UUA Fair Share Giving Guide for details. Suggested donations range from 2% to 10%, depending on your individual budget and circumstances.
When should I pledge?
We hold an annual pledge drive (called a “Canvass”) each winter/spring. All members are asked to submit their pledges at that time to enable the Treasurer to compile a budget for the next Fiscal Year, which runs from July 1 to June 30 each Year.
When do I need to pay my pledge?
Some members pay all at once, some pay quarterly, and others pay monthly or weekly.
How do I pay my pledge?
You may set up an automatic payment to UUCC through your bank, drop your pledge in the Offering basket during the Service, or mail it to the church. Make sure to write “pledge payment” on the subject line of your check.
Will I receive a bill or statement at any time during the Year?
You will receive a statement in June indicating how much you have pledged for the Year and how much has been received.
What about non-monetary gifts to the church?
Non-monetary gifts are always appreciated. Please contact the Treasurer for instructions regarding stock donations and estate planning.
Help support the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canandaigua by donating online. It’s easy and takes only a few minutes. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Okay, so how do I pledge?