The Church’s authority comes from the congregation. Members meet once a year in June to vote on a budget, elect new Board members, and conduct other church business. The meetings are open to everyone, but only members can vote. Day-to-day operations are overseen by a congregation-elected five-person Board of Trustees that meets on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss church issues.

Our Church is a member of the Central East Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), headquartered in Boston, Mass. Like other Unitarian Universalist congregations, our congregation acts independently of the UUA. The UUA holds a General Assembly once a year in June. All congregations send representatives who attend workshops and vote on various issues. In addition, we voice our opinions on national and international issues through an annual referendum held by the national association.

Board Covenant

We, the board members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Canandaigua, covenant to be present in our work together, be honest and be kind/gentle to one another in all interactions. Be direct in communication and present a united voice to direct the ministries of the Church.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is a body of five church members elected each June by the congregation members during the Annual Congregational Meeting. Two Trustees are elected in alternating years for a term of two years, and one Trustee is elected for one year at each Annual Congregational Meeting. Trustees begin their term of
office on July 1 following their election. The Board leads the Church to fulfill its vision by organizing committees and panels to carry out programs and projects for the congregation, making financial decisions, and appointing staff and volunteers. More detailed information on the Board’s charge, elections, officers, and meetings can be found in the current UUCC By-laws Revised: June 11, 2023.

Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. Contact Karen Alvarez, Board President, for a link to the meeting.

2024-2025 Board of Trustees

Karen Alvarez, President

Kerry Graff

Jody Brown

Pat Neprud-Mehls

Mike Waller

Geoffrey Gretton, Treasurer

Contact UUCC Board:

2024 Annual Meeting

Meeting minutes for past meetings are available here: